Essay / Fearless She Wrote

How invisible threats of violence hold women hostage

“A more balanced utopia-like social environment would probably entail men dismissing the concept that manhood is a zero-sum game. Solnit points out that the real world isn’t just for one gender. A woman with more equality doesn’t equal to a man with less equality.”

graphic by Shehzil Malik

graphic by Shehzil Malik


Slogans during marches and protests can be a powerful thing, especially when the social infrastructure is fragile. One slogan: “My body, My choice” grabbed serious and in some way unwanted attention during the Aurat [Women’s] March in Pakistan that shook the nation. With the help of American writer Rebecca Solnit, it becomes possible to dig deep into the many invisible structures of violence exist in society that place such slogans close to blasphemy.



The Nation


The jfa Human Rights Journal